Custom some portrait Van Gogh Style
Vincent Willem van Gogh (Dutch, 30 March 1853 solstice 29 July 1890) was a Dutch post-impressionist painter who was one of the most famous and influential figures in western art in history.In less than a decade, he produced some 2,100 works of art, including some 860 paintings, most of which date back to the last two years of his life.They include landscapes, still life, portraits and self-portraits, and are characterized by bold colors and dramatic, impulsive and expressive brushwork that contribute to the foundation of modern art.He was not successful in business and, after years of mental illness and poverty, committed suicide at the age of 37.
Born into an upper-middle-class family, Van Gogh was serious, quiet and thoughtful as a child.As a child, he worked as an art dealer and traveled frequently, but became depressed after moving to London.He turned to religion and served as a protestant missionary in southern Belgium.Before returning home with his parents, he lingered on sick and lonely before accepting painting in 1881.His brother Theo supported him financially, and the two continued a long correspondence.His early works were mainly still life sketches and depictions of migrant workers, and few bright colors made his later works stand out.In 1886, he moved to Paris and met members of the avant-garde, including EmileBernard and Paul Gauguin, who responded to the impressionist sensibility.As his work evolved, he created a new approach to still life and local landscapes.As his painting style developed, his paintings became brighter and brighter.He was well aware of this during a stay in arles, in the south of France, in 1888.During this time, he broadened his subject matter to include a range of olive trees, wheat fields and sunflowers.
Van gogh suffered from psychotic episodes and delusions, and although he worried about his mental stability, he often neglected his health, ate poorly and drank heavily.His friendship with gauguin ended after a confrontation with a razor, when he angrily cut off part of his left ear.He spent some time in a mental hospital, including his time at saint remi.After he was discharged from hospital and moved to Auberge Ravoux in watts, near Paris, he was cared for by homeopathic physician Paul Gachet.His mood continued to sour, and on July 27, 1890, van gogh shot himself in the chest with a Lefaucheux revolver.[6] he died of his injuries two days later.
Van gogh did not succeed in his life and was considered a lunatic and a failure.He rose to fame after his suicide and existed in the public imagination as a quintessential misunderstood genius, the artist's "place where madness and creative discourse meet".[7] his reputation grew as elements of his painting style were adopted by Fauves and German expressionists in the early 20th century.In the decades that followed, he achieved widespread critical, commercial and popular success, and was recognized as an important but tragic painter whose troubled personality represented the tortured artist's romantic ideals.Today, van gogh's works are among the most expensive paintings ever made in the world, and his legacy is prized by a museum named after him, the van gogh museum in Amsterdam, which has the largest collection of paintings in the world.